
A cheese recipe calls for 1/2 cup of flour for every 3/8 cup of milk. To make a bigger batch, the chef uses 3 cups of flour. Which of the following would be the amount of milk needed for the bigger batch?

A. 2 ¼ cups

B. 1 3/4 cups

C. 4 cups

D. 2 ¾ cups

Answer Explanation:

Therefore, the Correct Answer is A.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Math

  • Q #1: Which of the following is an appropriate unit of measure to express the radius of a needle?

    A. Millimeters

    B. Hectometers

    C. Hexameters

    D. Meters

    Answer Explanation

    Radius of a needle is a small mearument hence millimeters would be best suited to measure it.

  • Q #2: To determine the cost of a meal, the restaurant considers the size of the meal, the number of toppings, and the amount of main ingredient. Which of the following is the dependent variable?

    A. Amount of meal

    B. Main ingredient

    C. Cost of the meal

    D. Number of toppings

    Answer Explanation

    We are asked to find the dependent variable from the given scenario. A dependent variable is one that changes to the change in an independent variable. In our problem, the cost of the meal will vary depending on the size of the meal, number of toppings, and amount of main ingredient. Therefore, cost is the dependent variable.

  • Q #3: The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that the slope of a wheelchair ramp be no greater than 1:10. Which of the following is the minimum length of a ramp needed to provide access to a door that is 2.3 feet above the sidewalk?

    A. 23 feet

    B. 14 feet

    C. 32 feet

    D. 30 feet

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #4: Which of the following is the length of the unknown leg of a right triangle that has one leg length of 6 feet and a hypotenuse of 14 feet? (Round to the nearest tenth.)

    A. 15 feet

    B. 12.6 feet

    C. 18.3 feet

    D. 9.2 feet

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #5: ((frac{x}{y}) + rw = z) Solve for x in the equation above.

    A. x=y(z-rw)

    B. x=rw(y-z)

    C. x=w(z+ry)

    D. x=rwy-z

    Answer Explanation

    The question requires us we make x the subject of the formula.

    First, we subtract rw to both sides of the equation

    Multiply both sides by y

    Thus, the formula for finding the value of x is y(z-rw).

  • Q #6: Which of the following is the independent variable in the equation below? p(n)=2n+9

    A. n

    B. 9

    C. p

    D. 4

    Answer Explanation

    An independent variable is a variable that is manipulated or changed in the experiment. Based on the given equation, the variable n is the one changed to get the required output, p. Thus, n is the independent variable.

  • Q #7: Which of the following is an appropriate unit of measure to express the length of a book?

    A. Decameters

    B. Kilometers

    C. Centimeters

    D. Meters

    Answer Explanation

    Explanation: centimeters is the appropriate unit to measure the length of a book.

  • Q #8: A person weighed themselves at 120 lb. Three months later they weighed themselves at 160 lb. Which of the following is the percent of weight the person gained over 3 months? (Round to the nearest percent.)

    A. 66%

    B. 33%

    C. 35%

    D. 30%

    Answer Explanation

    We need to find the percent change in weight of a person. To find the percent change, follow the following steps:

    • Find absolute change in weight
    • Find relative change
    • Find the percent change from relative change.

     Absolute change is the difference between the final value and initial value. Our initial value is 120 lb and final value is 160 lb. Then,

    Relative change is given by

    Percent change is determined by

    To the nearest whole number, the percent change is 33%.

  • Q #9: Which of the following is the decimal equivalent of 9/25?

    A. 36

    B. 0.36

    C. 3.6

    D. 0.25

    Answer Explanation

    9/25 is the same as 9÷25.

    Using the calculator, we get 0.36.

    Thus, 9/25 in decimal form is 0.36.

  • Q #10: Which of the following is the appropriate unit of a measure to express the weight of a pen?

    A. Liter

    B. Milliliter

    C. Gram

    D. Kilogram

    Answer Explanation

    Although we can measure the mass of the pen in kilogram, the unit is quite large and is not appropriate for measuring small objects. Liter and milliliter are units of measuring volume. Thus, gram is the appropriate unit for measuring weight of a pen.