
A circle has an area of 144  in2. Which of the following is the circumference of the circle in terms of pi ( )?

A. \(18 \pi in\)

B. \(6 \pi in\)

C. \(12 \pi in\)

D. \(24 \pi in\)

Answer Explanation:

We need to find the circumference of the circle.

Before finding the circumference of a circle, we need to find the radius of the circle from the given area.

Let r be the radius of the circle, then the area of the circle is:

Substituting the value of area in the above equation

Dividing both sides by pi and taking square root on both sides yields

The radius of the circle with the given area is 12 in, and the circumference of the circle becomes:

Therefore, the Correct Answer is D.

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    A. 33

    B. 44

    C. 25

    D. 12

    Answer Explanation

    Let's simplify the expression step by step:

    Step 1: Inside the square brackets, perform the operation within parentheses first:

    ([4(3+6?5)]=[4(3+30)] ) 

    Step 2: Continue simplifying inside the square brackets:


    Step 3: Calculate the value inside the square brackets:


    Step 4: Now, deal with the denominator:


    Step 5: Finally, divide the result from step 3 by the result from step 4:


    So, the simplified expression is 33.

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    B. 23.48

    C. 0.2358

    D. 2.358

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    A. 2 packs of Orange and 1 pack of Cream Soda

    B. 3 packs of Orange

    C. 2 packs of Root Beer and 1 pack of Cream Soda

    D. 5 packs of cream Soda

    Answer Explanation

    To find the cheapest option, we find the amount the consume will spend for each option given.:

    2 packs of Orange and 1 pack of Cream Soda will cost $20 + $10 = $30

    3 Packs of Orange will cost $20+$15=$35

    2 packs of Root Beer and 1 pack of Cream Soda will cost 2($18)+$10= $46

    5 packs of cream Soda will cost 5($10)=$50

    From the above evaluation, the cheapest option will cost the consumer $30.

    Thus, buying 2 packs of Orange and 1 pack of Cream Soda will be cheaper to purchase compared to other options.

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    A. 25000

    B. 25

    C. 250

    D. 2500

    Answer Explanation

     we use the relation 1 L=1000 mL to convert 0.5 L to mL as follows.

    So, 2.5L is 2500 mL.

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    A. 87

    B. 78

    C. 90

    D. 84

    Answer Explanation

    The mean of a data set is the total scores divided by the number of tests.

    Total test scores =90+87+74+ 84+93+76=504

    Number of tests =6 Mean test score =506/6=84

    The mean test score is 84

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    A. 1/6

    B. 3/4

    C. 2/3

    D. 1/5

    Answer Explanation

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    A. Decameters

    B. Kilometers

    C. Centimeters

    D. Meters

    Answer Explanation

    Explanation: centimeters is the appropriate unit to measure the length of a book.

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    B. -0.7

    C. -7/6

    D. -1.8

    Answer Explanation

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    B. 3.75

    C. 37.5

    D. 0.375

    Answer Explanation

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    B. 800

    C. 400

    D. 8,000

    Answer Explanation