
A macaroni and cheese recipe calls for 4/7 cup of flour for every 2 1/5 cup of milk. To make a bigger batch, the chef uses 4 cups of flour. Which of the following would be the amount of milk needed for the bigger batch?

A. 15 1/5 cups

B. 15 2/5

C. 12 8/15 cups

D. 15 cups

Answer Explanation:

To find the required number of cups of milk, we need to set up a proportion equation. If we let x be the required number of cups and cups of flour as numerator and cups of milk in denominator, then the result proportion becomes:

We cannot multiply mixed fractions with any number, so we change 2 1/5 into an improper fraction as

The proportion equation becomes

Cross-multiply to solve for x

As a mixed fraction, 77/5 becomes 15 2/5. Therefore, to make a bigger batch, the chef needs 15 2/5 cups of milk.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is B.

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    A. Amount of meal

    B. Main ingredient

    C. Cost of the meal

    D. Number of toppings

    Answer Explanation

    We are asked to find the dependent variable from the given scenario. A dependent variable is one that changes to the change in an independent variable. In our problem, the cost of the meal will vary depending on the size of the meal, number of toppings, and amount of main ingredient. Therefore, cost is the dependent variable.

  • Q #2: How many milliliters are there in 2.5 liters?

    A. 25000

    B. 25

    C. 250

    D. 2500

    Answer Explanation

     we use the relation 1 L=1000 mL to convert 0.5 L to mL as follows.

    So, 2.5L is 2500 mL.

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    A. Liter

    B. Milliliter

    C. Gram

    D. Kilogram

    Answer Explanation

    Although we can measure the mass of the pen in kilogram, the unit is quite large and is not appropriate for measuring small objects. Liter and milliliter are units of measuring volume. Thus, gram is the appropriate unit for measuring weight of a pen.

  • Q #4: ((frac{x}{y}) + rw = z) Solve for x in the equation above.

    A. x=y(z-rw)

    B. x=rw(y-z)

    C. x=w(z+ry)

    D. x=rwy-z

    Answer Explanation

    The question requires us we make x the subject of the formula.

    First, we subtract rw to both sides of the equation

    Multiply both sides by y

    Thus, the formula for finding the value of x is y(z-rw).

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    A. 5/12

    B. ¼

    C. ½

    D. 1/3

    Answer Explanation

    The probability of an event is given by

    To find the probability of drawing a green ball, we need to find the total number of balls in the bag.

    Total number of balls in the bag=5+4+3=12 balls

    The probability of drawing a green ball from the bag is 5/12.

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    A. $35.65

    B. $34.15

    C. $35.77

    D. $34.82

    Answer Explanation

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    A. Amount of access fees

    B. Tuition fees

    C. Number of credit hours

    D. Number of student loans available

    Answer Explanation

    A change in number of credit hours will lead to a change in the amount of access fees, amount of tuition fees, and availability of the number of student loans. Thus, number of credit hours is the independent variable.

  • Q #8: The data below represents students’ test scores. Which of the following is the median of the set data? 80, 76, 92, 96, 44, 86, 56, 93, 69

    A. 86

    B. 69

    C. 44

    D. 80

    Answer Explanation

    Explanation: the median of a data set is the element that is found on the middle position.

    To find median, organize the given data from the smallest to largest.

    44, 56, 69, 76, 80, 86, 92, 93, 96

    Now, the number of elements in the date set is 9, which is an odd number. The median falls in the position


    The number that falls in the 5th position is 80. Thus, 80 is the median of the data.

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    A. 2 packs of Orange and 1 pack of Cream Soda

    B. 3 packs of Orange

    C. 2 packs of Root Beer and 1 pack of Cream Soda

    D. 5 packs of cream Soda

    Answer Explanation

    To find the cheapest option, we find the amount the consume will spend for each option given.:

    2 packs of Orange and 1 pack of Cream Soda will cost $20 + $10 = $30

    3 Packs of Orange will cost $20+$15=$35

    2 packs of Root Beer and 1 pack of Cream Soda will cost 2($18)+$10= $46

    5 packs of cream Soda will cost 5($10)=$50

    From the above evaluation, the cheapest option will cost the consumer $30.

    Thus, buying 2 packs of Orange and 1 pack of Cream Soda will be cheaper to purchase compared to other options.

  • Q #10: Joe’s uncle is eight less than four times Joe’s age. Which of the equations represents Joe’s uncle’s age (u) as it relates to Joe’s age (k)?

    A. u=8-4k

    B. k=4u-8

    C. k=8-4u

    D. u=4k-8

    Answer Explanation

    We are asked to form an equation to find Joe’s uncle’s age to the age of Joe.

    First, we find Joe’s age which is k. We know that Joe’s uncle’s age is four times that of Joe less 8. Then,

    Joe’s uncle’s age, u = 4k-8.

    Thus, the age of Joe’s uncle is u=4k-8.