
A plastic bucket containing 4/5 gallons of water is 3/4 full. How many gallons of water is in one fully filled bucket?

A. 1 1/15

B. 2 4/15

C. 9/15

D. 11/15

Answer Explanation:


  • A plastic bucket containing 4/5 gallons of water is 3/4 full.

To find:

  • How many gallons of water is in one fully filled bucket?

Let's use the proportion formula to solve this:

If 3/4 of the bucket is 4/5 gallons, then 1 full bucket (or 4/4 of the bucket) will contain how many gallons?

\(\frac{3}{4}\) of the bucket = \(\frac{4}{5}\) gallons ​ \(\frac{4}{3}\) of the bucket = \(\frac{5}{4}\) gallons  \(\frac{4}{4}\) of the bucket=\(?\) gallons

\(\frac{4}{4}\)​ of the bucket = x gallons

Cross multiplying: x =  \(\frac{4}{4}*\frac{4}{5}\ *\ \frac{4}{3}x = \frac{4}{5}*\frac{4}{3} = x\) 

\(x\ =\ \frac{16}{15}\)

Thus, a fully filled bucket contains \(\frac{16}{15}\ =\ 1\frac{1}{15}\)​ gallons of water. Therefore, the correct choice is:

Choice A: 1 1/15

Therefore, the Correct Answer is A.

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    A. 57

    B. 92

    C. 83

    D. 87

    Answer Explanation

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    A. 1/6

    B. 3/4

    C. 2/3

    D. 1/5

    Answer Explanation

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    A. 18 feet

    B. 14.4 feet

    C. 9.8 feet

    D. 16.2 feet

    Answer Explanation

    We are asked to find the one of the lengths of a right-angled triangle, we use the Pythagoras theorem to find the unknown length.

    First, we label the triangle as below and let the unknown length be x.

    Then, we apply the Pythagoras theorem to find the value of x as:

    We take square-root on both sides

    The value of the unknown length is 16.2 feet.

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    A. 8

    B. 30

    C. -20

    D. -5

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #5: A child has a bottle full of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. There are four as many quarters as pennies, three times as many as nickels as pennies, and five times as many dimes as nickels. How many more dimes does the child have than pennies?

    A. 5 times as many

    B. 10 times as many

    C. 20 times as many

    D. 15 times as many

    Answer Explanation


    In this question, we need to find the ratio of dimes to quarters.

    If we let x be number of pennies in the bottle. Then,

    Number of quarters in the bottle = 4x

    Number of nickels in the bottle = 3x

    Number of dimes in the bottle =5(3x)=15x

    Now relating dimes to quarters, we have

    Thus, there are 15 times as many dimes as pennies in the box.

  • Q #6: Which of the following is the equivalence in pounds for 210 kg? (2.2 lb=1 kg)

    A. 522 lb

    B. 632 lb

    C. 420 lb

    D. 462 lb

    Answer Explanation


    We are asked to convert 210 kg to pounds using the given relation. We set up the following equation

    The equivalence of 210 kg is 462 lb.

  • Q #7: Which of the following is the weight of the cargo in a truck if 3/5 of the cargo weighs 615 pounds (lb)?

    A. 1025 lb

    B. 1320 lb

    C. 1548 lb

    D. 788 lb

    Answer Explanation

    In this problem, we assume the truck carry a whole cargo to carry. Thus, total weight is found by dividing 615 lb by 3/5. Thus,

    We change the division sign to product and multiply 615 by reciprocal of 3/5. Then,

    (615 * frac{5}{3} = 1025 lb)

    The weight of the cargo in the truck will be 1025 lb.

  • Q #8: There are 900 students enrolled in four allied health programs at a local community college. The percent students in each program are displayed in the pie chart. Which of the following is the number of students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology program?

    A. 162

    B. 171

    C. 378

    D. 189

    Answer Explanation

    We use the percentages and number of students to find the number of students enrolled in the respiratory care program as in the pie chart. The total percent of the whole piec chart sums to 100%.

    If we let x represent the number of students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology program, we can set a proportion equation with number of students on the numerator and percentages on the denominator.

    \(\frac{x}{21\%}\ =\ \frac{900}{100\%} \)

    Find the value of x by cross-products

    \(x\ *\ 100\%\ =\ 900\ students * 21\%\)

    Divide both sides of the equation by 100%

    \(x= \frac{900\ students\ *\ 21\%}{100\%}\ =\ 189\ students\)

    Thus, 189 students out of 900 students will enroll for a respiratory care program.

  • Q #9: The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that the slope of a wheelchair ramp be no greater than 1:12. Which of the following is the minimum length of a ramp needed to provide access to a door that is 5.2 feet above the sidewalk?

    A. 52 feet

    B. 148 feet

    C. 32.2 feet

    D. 62.4 feet

    Answer Explanation

    In this problem slope represents the change in height above sidewalk to change in length of the ramp.

    From the definition of slope


    Letting x to be the minimum length of the ramp, then

    Substituting with the known value of slope

    Cross-multiply to find the value of x

    Thus, the minimum length of the ramp needed is 62.4 feet to access to a door that is 5.2 feet above the sidewalk.

  • Q #10: A person weighed themselves at 120 lb. Three months later they weighed themselves at 160 lb. Which of the following is the percent of weight the person gained over 3 months? (Round to the nearest percent.)

    A. 66%

    B. 33%

    C. 35%

    D. 30%

    Answer Explanation

    We need to find the percent change in weight of a person. To find the percent change, follow the following steps:

    • Find absolute change in weight
    • Find relative change
    • Find the percent change from relative change.

     Absolute change is the difference between the final value and initial value. Our initial value is 120 lb and final value is 160 lb. Then,

    Relative change is given by

    Percent change is determined by

    To the nearest whole number, the percent change is 33%.