
The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that the slope of a wheelchair ramp be no greater than 1:12. Which of the following is the minimum length of a ramp needed to provide access to a door that is 5.2 feet above the sidewalk?

A. 52 feet

B. 148 feet

C. 32.2 feet

D. 62.4 feet

Answer Explanation:

In this problem slope represents the change in height above sidewalk to change in length of the ramp.

From the definition of slope


Letting x to be the minimum length of the ramp, then

Substituting with the known value of slope

Cross-multiply to find the value of x

Thus, the minimum length of the ramp needed is 62.4 feet to access to a door that is 5.2 feet above the sidewalk.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is D.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Math

  • Q #1: Which of the following is the best estimate of the number of centimeters (cm) in 10 yards? (Note: 1 yard=3 feet; 1 foot =12 inches; 1 inch =2.54 cm)

    A. 720 cm

    B. 880 cm

    C. 960 cm

    D. 914 cm

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #2: A circle has an area of 144  in2. Which of the following is the circumference of the circle in terms of pi ( )?

    A. \(18 \pi in\)

    B. \(6 \pi in\)

    C. \(12 \pi in\)

    D. \(24 \pi in\)

    Answer Explanation

    We need to find the circumference of the circle.

    Before finding the circumference of a circle, we need to find the radius of the circle from the given area.

    Let r be the radius of the circle, then the area of the circle is:

    Substituting the value of area in the above equation

    Dividing both sides by pi and taking square root on both sides yields

    The radius of the circle with the given area is 12 in, and the circumference of the circle becomes:

  • Q #3: A baker is using a cookie recipe that call for 5 2/7 cups of flour to yield 40 cookies. How much flour will the baker need to make 70 cookies using the same recipe?

    A. 10 ¼ cups

    B. 9 ½ cups

    C. 10 ¾ cups

    D. 9 ¼ cups

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #4: Which of the following is the decimal form of 235.8%?

    A. 2358

    B. 23.48

    C. 0.2358

    D. 2.358

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #5: ((frac{x}{y}) + rw = z) Solve for x in the equation above.

    A. x=y(z-rw)

    B. x=rw(y-z)

    C. x=w(z+ry)

    D. x=rwy-z

    Answer Explanation

    The question requires us we make x the subject of the formula.

    First, we subtract rw to both sides of the equation

    Multiply both sides by y

    Thus, the formula for finding the value of x is y(z-rw).

  • Q #6: As the number of credit hours a student takes in a semester increases, the tuition fees, the amount of access fees, and the number of student loans available also increase. Which of the following is the independent variable?

    A. Amount of access fees

    B. Tuition fees

    C. Number of credit hours

    D. Number of student loans available

    Answer Explanation

    A change in number of credit hours will lead to a change in the amount of access fees, amount of tuition fees, and availability of the number of student loans. Thus, number of credit hours is the independent variable.

  • Q #7: Which of the following is the independent variable in the equation below? y(x)=7+8x 

    A. y

    B. 7

    C. x

    D. 8

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #8: A macaroni and cheese recipe calls for 4/7 cup of flour for every 2 1/5 cup of milk. To make a bigger batch, the chef uses 4 cups of flour. Which of the following would be the amount of milk needed for the bigger batch?

    A. 15 1/5 cups

    B. 15 2/5

    C. 12 8/15 cups

    D. 15 cups

    Answer Explanation

    To find the required number of cups of milk, we need to set up a proportion equation. If we let x be the required number of cups and cups of flour as numerator and cups of milk in denominator, then the result proportion becomes:

    We cannot multiply mixed fractions with any number, so we change 2 1/5 into an improper fraction as

    The proportion equation becomes

    Cross-multiply to solve for x

    As a mixed fraction, 77/5 becomes 15 2/5. Therefore, to make a bigger batch, the chef needs 15 2/5 cups of milk.

  • Q #9: A plastic bucket containing 4/5 gallons of water is 3/4 full. How many gallons of water is in one fully filled bucket?

    A. 1 1/15

    B. 2 4/15

    C. 9/15

    D. 11/15

    Answer Explanation


    • A plastic bucket containing 4/5 gallons of water is 3/4 full.

    To find:

    • How many gallons of water is in one fully filled bucket?

    Let's use the proportion formula to solve this:

    If 3/4 of the bucket is 4/5 gallons, then 1 full bucket (or 4/4 of the bucket) will contain how many gallons?

    \(\frac{3}{4}\) of the bucket = \(\frac{4}{5}\) gallons ​ \(\frac{4}{3}\) of the bucket = \(\frac{5}{4}\) gallons  \(\frac{4}{4}\) of the bucket=\(?\) gallons

    \(\frac{4}{4}\)​ of the bucket = x gallons

    Cross multiplying: x =  \(\frac{4}{4}*\frac{4}{5}\ *\ \frac{4}{3}x = \frac{4}{5}*\frac{4}{3} = x\) 

    \(x\ =\ \frac{16}{15}\)

    Thus, a fully filled bucket contains \(\frac{16}{15}\ =\ 1\frac{1}{15}\)​ gallons of water. Therefore, the correct choice is:

    Choice A: 1 1/15

  • Q #10: A recipe calls for 6.5 teaspoons of vanilla. 1 teaspoon equals approximately 4.93 mL. Which of the following is the correct amount of vanilla in mL? (Use the conversion rates as provided)

    A. 32.05 mL

    B. 29.55 mL

    C. 34.20 mL

    D. 25.80 mL

    Answer Explanation


    We need to find the mL in 6.5 teaspoons from the given information.

    If we let x represent the amount of vanilla in mL, and set a proportion equation with number of teaspoons as numerator and mL as denominator, then:

    (frac{6.5}{x} = frac{1}{4.93})

    Find the value of x by cross-products

    6.5 * 4.93 = x

    32.05 = x

    Therefore, 6.5 teaspoons equal 32.05 mL.