
To determine the cost of a meal, the restaurant considers the size of the meal, the number of toppings, and the amount of main ingredient. Which of the following is the dependent variable?

A. Amount of meal

B. Main ingredient

C. Cost of the meal

D. Number of toppings

Answer Explanation:

We are asked to find the dependent variable from the given scenario. A dependent variable is one that changes to the change in an independent variable. In our problem, the cost of the meal will vary depending on the size of the meal, number of toppings, and amount of main ingredient. Therefore, cost is the dependent variable.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is C.

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  • Q #1: Which of the following is the mean of the test scores listed below? 98, 79, 57, 85, 92, 87

    A. 57

    B. 92

    C. 83

    D. 87

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #2: To determine the cost of producing the phone, the manufacturing company considers the location of raw materials, tax percent, and the price of chips. Which of the following is the dependent variable?

    A. Price of chips

    B. Cost of the phone

    C. Raw materials

    D. Tax percent

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #3: The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that the slope of a wheelchair ramp be no greater than 1:10. Which of the following is the minimum length of a ramp needed to provide access to a door that is 2.3 feet above the sidewalk?

    A. 23 feet

    B. 14 feet

    C. 32 feet

    D. 30 feet

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #4: Which of the following is the decimal equivalent of 9/25?

    A. 36

    B. 0.36

    C. 3.6

    D. 0.25

    Answer Explanation

    9/25 is the same as 9÷25.

    Using the calculator, we get 0.36.

    Thus, 9/25 in decimal form is 0.36.

  • Q #5: Which of the following is the median of the date set below? 9, -4, 6, -1, 13

    A. 9

    B. 6

    C. -1

    D. -4

    Answer Explanation

    To find the median, we arrange the give dataset in ascending order -4, -1, 6, 9, 13 There are 5 five numbers in the dataset and median will fall in (frac{(5+1)}{2}) position, which is third position. The element in the third position is 6. Therefore, 6 is the median of the give set of data.

  • Q #6: Which of the following is the independent variable in the equation below? p(n)=2n+9

    A. n

    B. 9

    C. p

    D. 4

    Answer Explanation

    An independent variable is a variable that is manipulated or changed in the experiment. Based on the given equation, the variable n is the one changed to get the required output, p. Thus, n is the independent variable.

  • Q #7: Solve for p in the equation above.

    A. p=1/v * (q - x/y)

    B. p=1/q * (v - x/y)

    C. p=qv+x/y

    D. p=qx-vy

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #8: Which of the following is the best estimate of the number of centimeters (cm) in 10 yards? (Note: 1 yard=3 feet; 1 foot =12 inches; 1 inch =2.54 cm)

    A. 720 cm

    B. 880 cm

    C. 960 cm

    D. 914 cm

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #9: There are 900 students enrolled in four allied health programs at a local community college. The percent students in each program are displayed in the pie chart. Which of the following is the number of students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology program?

    A. 162

    B. 171

    C. 378

    D. 189

    Answer Explanation

    We use the percentages and number of students to find the number of students enrolled in the respiratory care program as in the pie chart. The total percent of the whole piec chart sums to 100%.

    If we let x represent the number of students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology program, we can set a proportion equation with number of students on the numerator and percentages on the denominator.

    \(\frac{x}{21\%}\ =\ \frac{900}{100\%} \)

    Find the value of x by cross-products

    \(x\ *\ 100\%\ =\ 900\ students * 21\%\)

    Divide both sides of the equation by 100%

    \(x= \frac{900\ students\ *\ 21\%}{100\%}\ =\ 189\ students\)

    Thus, 189 students out of 900 students will enroll for a respiratory care program.

  • Q #10: Which of the following is the total number of whole boxes that measure 2.4 ft * 2.4 ft * 2.4 ft that can be stored in a room that measures 18 ft * 18 ft * 18 ft, if the size of the boxes cannot be altered?

    A. 125

    B. 92

    C. 422

    D. 400

    Answer Explanation

    The number of boxes is determined by finding the volume of the room divided by the volume of the box.

    Number of boxes

    The number of boxes that can be stored in the room is about 422.