
Which of the following is an appropriate unit of measure to express the length of a book?

A. Decameters

B. Kilometers

C. Centimeters

D. Meters

Answer Explanation:

Explanation: centimeters is the appropriate unit to measure the length of a book.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is C.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Math

  • Q #1: A motor company’s stock price was $33.20 on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the price went up $2.45. On Thursday, the price decreased from Wednesday’s price by $1.50. On Friday, the price went up $1.62 from Thursday’s price. Which of the following was the final price on Friday?

    A. $35.65

    B. $34.15

    C. $35.77

    D. $34.82

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #2: Which of the following is the independent variable in the equation below? p(n)=2n+9

    A. n

    B. 9

    C. p

    D. 4

    Answer Explanation

    An independent variable is a variable that is manipulated or changed in the experiment. Based on the given equation, the variable n is the one changed to get the required output, p. Thus, n is the independent variable.

  • Q #3: Which of the following is the total number of whole boxes that measure 2.4 ft * 2.4 ft * 2.4 ft that can be stored in a room that measures 18 ft * 18 ft * 18 ft, if the size of the boxes cannot be altered?

    A. 125

    B. 92

    C. 422

    D. 400

    Answer Explanation

    The number of boxes is determined by finding the volume of the room divided by the volume of the box.

    Number of boxes

    The number of boxes that can be stored in the room is about 422.

  • Q #4: A child has a bottle full of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. There are three as many quarters as pennies, five times as many as nickels as pennies, and two times as many dimes as nickels. How many more dimes does the child have than nickels?

    A. 4 times as many

    B. 5 times as many

    C. 2 times as many

    D. 10 times as many

    Answer Explanation

    In this question, we need to find the ratio of dimes to quarters.

    If we let x be number of pennies in the bottle. Then,

    Number of quarters in the bottle = 3x

    Number of nickels in the bottle = 5x

    Number of dimes in the bottle =2(5x)=10x

    Now relating dimes to quarters, we have

    Thus, there are 2 times as many dimes as nickels in the box.

  • Q #5: Which of the following is the decimal equivalent of 9/25?

    A. 36

    B. 0.36

    C. 3.6

    D. 0.25

    Answer Explanation

    9/25 is the same as 9÷25. Using the calculator, we get 0.36.

    Thus, 9/25 in decimal form is 0.36.

  • Q #6: Which of the following is the length of the unknown leg of a right triangle that has one leg length of 6 feet and a hypotenuse of 14 feet? (Round to the nearest tenth.)

    A. 15 feet

    B. 12.6 feet

    C. 18.3 feet

    D. 9.2 feet

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #7: The length of a rectangular room is 2 feet greater than its width. Which of the following equations represents the area (A) of the room?

    A. A=x(x+2)

    B. A=2x+2(x+2)

    C. A=2x(x+2)

    D. A=2x

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #8: Which of the following is the decimal equivalent of 3/8?

    A. 375

    B. 3.75

    C. 37.5

    D. 0.375

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #9: Which of the following is an appropriate unit of measure to express the radius of a needle?

    A. Millimeters

    B. Hectometers

    C. Hexameters

    D. Meters

    Answer Explanation

    Radius of a needle is a small mearument hence millimeters would be best suited to measure it.

  • Q #10:   Simplify the expression above. Which of the following is correct?

    A. 33

    B. 44

    C. 25

    D. 12

    Answer Explanation

    Let's simplify the expression step by step:

    Step 1: Inside the square brackets, perform the operation within parentheses first:

    ([4(3+6?5)]=[4(3+30)] ) 

    Step 2: Continue simplifying inside the square brackets:


    Step 3: Calculate the value inside the square brackets:


    Step 4: Now, deal with the denominator:


    Step 5: Finally, divide the result from step 3 by the result from step 4:


    So, the simplified expression is 33.