
Which of the following is the appropriate unit of a measure to express the weight of a pen?

A. Liter

B. Milliliter

C. Gram

D. Kilogram

Answer Explanation:

Although we can measure the mass of the pen in kilogram, the unit is quite large and is not appropriate for measuring small objects. Liter and milliliter are units of measuring volume. Thus, gram is the appropriate unit for measuring weight of a pen.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is C.

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    A. 52 feet

    B. 148 feet

    C. 32.2 feet

    D. 62.4 feet

    Answer Explanation

    In this problem slope represents the change in height above sidewalk to change in length of the ramp.

    From the definition of slope


    Letting x to be the minimum length of the ramp, then

    Substituting with the known value of slope

    Cross-multiply to find the value of x

    Thus, the minimum length of the ramp needed is 62.4 feet to access to a door that is 5.2 feet above the sidewalk.

  • Q #2: To determine the cost of producing the phone, the manufacturing company considers the location of raw materials, tax percent, and the price of chips. Which of the following is the dependent variable?

    A. Price of chips

    B. Cost of the phone

    C. Raw materials

    D. Tax percent

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #3: The length of a rectangular room is 2 feet greater than its width. Which of the following equations represents the area (A) of the room?

    A. A=x(x+2)

    B. A=2x+2(x+2)

    C. A=2x(x+2)

    D. A=2x

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #4: A plastic bucket containing 4/5 gallons of water is 3/4 full. How many gallons of water is in one fully filled bucket?

    A. 1 1/15

    B. 2 4/15

    C. 9/15

    D. 11/15

    Answer Explanation


    • A plastic bucket containing 4/5 gallons of water is 3/4 full.

    To find:

    • How many gallons of water is in one fully filled bucket?

    Let's use the proportion formula to solve this:

    If 3/4 of the bucket is 4/5 gallons, then 1 full bucket (or 4/4 of the bucket) will contain how many gallons?

    \(\frac{3}{4}\) of the bucket = \(\frac{4}{5}\) gallons ​ \(\frac{4}{3}\) of the bucket = \(\frac{5}{4}\) gallons  \(\frac{4}{4}\) of the bucket=\(?\) gallons

    \(\frac{4}{4}\)​ of the bucket = x gallons

    Cross multiplying: x =  \(\frac{4}{4}*\frac{4}{5}\ *\ \frac{4}{3}x = \frac{4}{5}*\frac{4}{3} = x\) 

    \(x\ =\ \frac{16}{15}\)

    Thus, a fully filled bucket contains \(\frac{16}{15}\ =\ 1\frac{1}{15}\)​ gallons of water. Therefore, the correct choice is:

    Choice A: 1 1/15

  • Q #5: The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that the slope of a wheelchair ramp be no greater than 1:10. Which of the following is the minimum length of a ramp needed to provide access to a door that is 2.3 feet above the sidewalk?

    A. 23 feet

    B. 14 feet

    C. 32 feet

    D. 30 feet

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #6: How many milliliters are there in 2.5 liters?

    A. 25000

    B. 25

    C. 250

    D. 2500

    Answer Explanation

     we use the relation 1 L=1000 mL to convert 0.5 L to mL as follows.

    So, 2.5L is 2500 mL.

  • Q #7: The length of a rectangular room is 9 feet greater than its width. Which of the following equations represents the area (A) of the room?

    A. A=9x

    B. A=2x+2(x+9)

    C. A=x(x+9)

    D. A=x+(x+9)

    Answer Explanation

    we are asked to find the area of the room from the given information. 

    The first step is to find equation relating the length of the room to its width. If we let the width of the room to be x. Then,

    Width of the rectangle= x

    Length of rectangle = (x+9) 

    Area of the rectangle, A= Length*width = (x+9)*x


    Therefore, the area of the rectangular room is x(x+9).

  • Q #8: Which of the following is the independent variable in the equation below? y(x)=7+8x 

    A. y

    B. 7

    C. x

    D. 8

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #9: Which of the following is the appropriate unit of a measure to express the weight of a pen?

    A. Liter

    B. Milliliter

    C. Gram

    D. Kilogram

    Answer Explanation

    Although we can measure the mass of the pen in kilogram, the unit is quite large and is not appropriate for measuring small objects. Liter and milliliter are units of measuring volume. Thus, gram is the appropriate unit for measuring weight of a pen.

  • Q #10: Which of the following is the mean of the test scores listed below? 90, 87, 74, 84, 93, 78

    A. 87

    B. 78

    C. 90

    D. 84

    Answer Explanation

    The mean of a data set is the total scores divided by the number of tests.

    Total test scores =90+87+74+ 84+93+76=504

    Number of tests =6 Mean test score =506/6=84

    The mean test score is 84