
Which of the following is the equivalence in pounds for 210 kg? (2.2 lb=1 kg)

A. 522 lb

B. 632 lb

C. 420 lb

D. 462 lb

Answer Explanation:


We are asked to convert 210 kg to pounds using the given relation. We set up the following equation

The equivalence of 210 kg is 462 lb.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is D.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Math

  • Q #1: A recipe calls for 6.5 teaspoons of vanilla. 1 teaspoon equals approximately 4.93 mL. Which of the following is the correct amount of vanilla in mL? (Use the conversion rates as provided)

    A. 32.05 mL

    B. 29.55 mL

    C. 34.20 mL

    D. 25.80 mL

    Answer Explanation


    We need to find the mL in 6.5 teaspoons from the given information.

    If we let x represent the amount of vanilla in mL, and set a proportion equation with number of teaspoons as numerator and mL as denominator, then:

    (frac{6.5}{x} = frac{1}{4.93})

    Find the value of x by cross-products

    6.5 * 4.93 = x

    32.05 = x

    Therefore, 6.5 teaspoons equal 32.05 mL.

  • Q #2: -1/3, -0.6, -1.5, -7/3. Of the numbers listed above, which number is the greatest?

    A. -0.6

    B. -7/3

    C. -1/3

    D. -1.5

    Answer Explanation

    To find the greatest value, we need to have uniform numbers. That is, all numbers must be in fraction for easy comparison. Therefore, we convert -0.6, and -1.5 into fractions as follows. For purposes of easy computation, we do not simplify the resulting fractions. 



    Now, the resulting fractions are -1/3, -6/10, -15/10, and -7/3. The greatest value is found by finding the LCM of the denominators and multiplying with each fraction. The LCM of 3 and 10 is 30. Then,





    Based on the obtained values, -10 is the greatest value and -70 the least value. Therefore, -1/3 is the greatest of all the four options.

  • Q #3: Which of the following is the total number of whole boxes that measure 0.4 ft * 0.4 ft * 0.4 ft that can be stored in a room that measures 8 ft * 8 ft * 8 ft, if the size of the boxes cannot be altered?

    A. 4000

    B. 800

    C. 400

    D. 8,000

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #4: Four friends are sharing a pizza. One friend eats a third of the pizza. The other three friends equally divide the rest among themselves. What portion of the pizza did each of the other three friends receive?

    A. 7/9

    B. 1/3

    C. 1/3

    D. 2/9

    Answer Explanation

    We are asked to find a fraction of pizza other three friends got.

    A whole pizza represents 1, and one friend eats 1/3 of 1=1/3*1=1/3

    Now, the remaining pizza is 1-1/3=3/3-1/3=2/3

    The three friends share 2/3 of pizza equally. So, each friend gets

    Therefore, each of the three friends get 2/9 of the pizza.

  • Q #5: Which of the following is the weight of the cargo in a truck if 3/5 of the cargo weighs 615 pounds (lb)?

    A. 1025 lb

    B. 1320 lb

    C. 1548 lb

    D. 788 lb

    Answer Explanation

    In this problem, we assume the truck carry a whole cargo to carry. Thus, total weight is found by dividing 615 lb by 3/5. Thus,

    We change the division sign to product and multiply 615 by reciprocal of 3/5. Then,

    (615 * frac{5}{3} = 1025 lb)

    The weight of the cargo in the truck will be 1025 lb.

  • Q #6: A child has a bottle full of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. There are four as many quarters as pennies, three times as many as nickels as pennies, and five times as many dimes as nickels. How many more dimes does the child have than pennies?

    A. 5 times as many

    B. 10 times as many

    C. 20 times as many

    D. 15 times as many

    Answer Explanation


    In this question, we need to find the ratio of dimes to quarters.

    If we let x be number of pennies in the bottle. Then,

    Number of quarters in the bottle = 4x

    Number of nickels in the bottle = 3x

    Number of dimes in the bottle =5(3x)=15x

    Now relating dimes to quarters, we have

    Thus, there are 15 times as many dimes as pennies in the box.

  • Q #7: A bag contains five green balls, four red balls, and three yellow balls. If one ball is randomly selected from the ball, which of the following is the probability that the ball is green?

    A. 5/12

    B. ¼

    C. ½

    D. 1/3

    Answer Explanation

    The probability of an event is given by

    To find the probability of drawing a green ball, we need to find the total number of balls in the bag.

    Total number of balls in the bag=5+4+3=12 balls

    The probability of drawing a green ball from the bag is 5/12.

  • Q #8: Which of the following is the independent variable in the equation below? p(n)=2n+9

    A. n

    B. 9

    C. p

    D. 4

    Answer Explanation

    An independent variable is a variable that is manipulated or changed in the experiment. Based on the given equation, the variable n is the one changed to get the required output, p. Thus, n is the independent variable.

  • Q #9: Which of the following is the value of x in the equation below. (|2x - 4| - 10 = 2)

    A. x=4 or x=-8

    B. x=-4 or x=8

    C. x=-2 or x=1

    D. x=-3 or x=5

    Answer Explanation


    We need to find the value of x from the given equation. First, we move the value of 10 to the right-hand side of the equation.

    Add 10 to both sides of the equation

    Next, we apply the absolute rule:

    If , a>0, then u=a or u=-a

    In this case a=12, which is greater 0. Then, the first condition becomes

    Solving for x

    The second condition becomes

    Solving for x

    Then, the value of x is -4 or 8.

  • Q #10: A baker is using a cookie recipe that call for 3 ¼ cups of flour to yield 30 cookies. How much flour will the baker need to make 16 cookies using the same recipe?

    A. 1 11/15 cups

    B. 5 8/15 cups

    C. 10 13/15 cups

    D. 3 ¾ cups

    Answer Explanation


    We are asked to find the number of cups of flour, which requires the concept of proportions.

    If we let x to represent the number of cups of flour to make 16 cookies. Then

    Solve the value of x by cross-multiplying

    Convert the mixed fraction into improper fraction in order to carry out multiplication


    The baker needs 26/15 cups of flour needed to make 16 cookies. This is equal to 1 11/15 cups.