
Which of the following is the independent variable in the equation below? p(n)=2n+9

A. n

B. 9

C. p

D. 4

Answer Explanation:

An independent variable is a variable that is manipulated or changed in the experiment. Based on the given equation, the variable n is the one changed to get the required output, p. Thus, n is the independent variable.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is A.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Math

  • Q #1: Which of the following is the median of the date set below? 30, -5, 8, -20, 23

    A. 8

    B. 30

    C. -20

    D. -5

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #2: There are 900 students enrolled in four allied health programs at a local community college. The percent students in each program are displayed in the pie chart. Which of the following is the number of students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology program?

    A. 162

    B. 171

    C. 378

    D. 189

    Answer Explanation

    We use the percentages and number of students to find the number of students enrolled in the respiratory care program as in the pie chart. The total percent of the whole piec chart sums to 100%.

    If we let x represent the number of students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology program, we can set a proportion equation with number of students on the numerator and percentages on the denominator.

    \(\frac{x}{21\%}\ =\ \frac{900}{100\%} \)

    Find the value of x by cross-products

    \(x\ *\ 100\%\ =\ 900\ students * 21\%\)

    Divide both sides of the equation by 100%

    \(x= \frac{900\ students\ *\ 21\%}{100\%}\ =\ 189\ students\)

    Thus, 189 students out of 900 students will enroll for a respiratory care program.

  • Q #3: Which of the following is an appropriate unit of measure to express the radius of a needle?

    A. Millimeters

    B. Hectometers

    C. Hexameters

    D. Meters

    Answer Explanation

    Radius of a needle is a small mearument hence millimeters would be best suited to measure it.

  • Q #4: Which of the following is the decimal equivalent of 3/8?

    A. 375

    B. 3.75

    C. 37.5

    D. 0.375

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #5: Four friends are sharing a pizza. One friend eats a third of the pizza. The other three friends equally divide the rest among themselves. What portion of the pizza did each of the other three friends receive?

    A. 7/9

    B. 1/3

    C. 1/3

    D. 2/9

    Answer Explanation

    We are asked to find a fraction of pizza other three friends got.

    A whole pizza represents 1, and one friend eats 1/3 of 1=1/3*1=1/3

    Now, the remaining pizza is 1-1/3=3/3-1/3=2/3

    The three friends share 2/3 of pizza equally. So, each friend gets

    Therefore, each of the three friends get 2/9 of the pizza.

  • Q #6: Which of the following is the decimal form of 34.9%?

    A. 3,490

    B. 3.49

    C. 0.349

    D. 34.9

    Answer Explanation

    To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide the given percentage by 100. So, 34.9% becomes:

    The decimal form of 34.9% is 0.349.

  • Q #7: To determine the cost of producing the phone, the manufacturing company considers the location of raw materials, tax percent, and the price of chips. Which of the following is the dependent variable?

    A. Price of chips

    B. Cost of the phone

    C. Raw materials

    D. Tax percent

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #8: A child has a bottle full of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. There are four as many quarters as pennies, three times as many as nickels as pennies, and five times as many dimes as nickels. How many more dimes does the child have than pennies?

    A. 5 times as many

    B. 10 times as many

    C. 20 times as many

    D. 15 times as many

    Answer Explanation


    In this question, we need to find the ratio of dimes to quarters.

    If we let x be number of pennies in the bottle. Then,

    Number of quarters in the bottle = 4x

    Number of nickels in the bottle = 3x

    Number of dimes in the bottle =5(3x)=15x

    Now relating dimes to quarters, we have

    Thus, there are 15 times as many dimes as pennies in the box.

  • Q #9: Joe’s uncle is eight less than four times Joe’s age. Which of the equations represents Joe’s uncle’s age (u) as it relates to Joe’s age (k)?

    A. u=8-4k

    B. k=4u-8

    C. k=8-4u

    D. u=4k-8

    Answer Explanation

    We are asked to form an equation to find Joe’s uncle’s age to the age of Joe.

    First, we find Joe’s age which is k. We know that Joe’s uncle’s age is four times that of Joe less 8. Then,

    Joe’s uncle’s age, u = 4k-8.

    Thus, the age of Joe’s uncle is u=4k-8.

  • Q #10: Which of the following is the mean of the test scores listed below? 90, 87, 74, 84, 93, 78

    A. 87

    B. 78

    C. 90

    D. 84

    Answer Explanation

    The mean of a data set is the total scores divided by the number of tests.

    Total test scores =90+87+74+ 84+93+76=504

    Number of tests =6 Mean test score =506/6=84

    The mean test score is 84