
Which of the following is the mean of the test scores listed below? 90, 87, 74, 84, 93, 78

A. 87

B. 78

C. 90

D. 84

Answer Explanation:

The mean of a data set is the total scores divided by the number of tests.

Total test scores =90+87+74+ 84+93+76=504

Number of tests =6 Mean test score =506/6=84

The mean test score is 84

Therefore, the Correct Answer is D.

More Questions on TEAS 7 Math

  • Q #1: Which of the following is the appropriate unit of a measure to express the weight of a pen?

    A. Liter

    B. Milliliter

    C. Gram

    D. Kilogram

    Answer Explanation

    Although we can measure the mass of the pen in kilogram, the unit is quite large and is not appropriate for measuring small objects. Liter and milliliter are units of measuring volume. Thus, gram is the appropriate unit for measuring weight of a pen.

  • Q #2: The length of a rectangular room is 2 feet greater than its width. Which of the following equations represents the area (A) of the room?

    A. A=x(x+2)

    B. A=2x+2(x+2)

    C. A=2x(x+2)

    D. A=2x

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #3: A circle has an area of 144  in2. Which of the following is the circumference of the circle in terms of pi ( )?

    A. \(18 \pi in\)

    B. \(6 \pi in\)

    C. \(12 \pi in\)

    D. \(24 \pi in\)

    Answer Explanation

    We need to find the circumference of the circle.

    Before finding the circumference of a circle, we need to find the radius of the circle from the given area.

    Let r be the radius of the circle, then the area of the circle is:

    Substituting the value of area in the above equation

    Dividing both sides by pi and taking square root on both sides yields

    The radius of the circle with the given area is 12 in, and the circumference of the circle becomes:

  • Q #4: Which of the following is the weight of the cargo in a truck if 3/5 of the cargo weighs 615 pounds (lb)?

    A. 1025 lb

    B. 1320 lb

    C. 1548 lb

    D. 788 lb

    Answer Explanation

    In this problem, we assume the truck carry a whole cargo to carry. Thus, total weight is found by dividing 615 lb by 3/5. Thus,

    We change the division sign to product and multiply 615 by reciprocal of 3/5. Then,

    (615 * frac{5}{3} = 1025 lb)

    The weight of the cargo in the truck will be 1025 lb.

  • Q #5: Which of the following is the decimal equivalent of 9/25?

    A. 36

    B. 0.36

    C. 3.6

    D. 0.25

    Answer Explanation

    9/25 is the same as 9÷25. Using the calculator, we get 0.36.

    Thus, 9/25 in decimal form is 0.36.

  • Q #6: Which of the following is the median of the date set below? 9, -4, 6, -1, 13

    A. 9

    B. 6

    C. -1

    D. -4

    Answer Explanation

    To find the median, we arrange the give dataset in ascending order -4, -1, 6, 9, 13 There are 5 five numbers in the dataset and median will fall in (frac{(5+1)}{2}) position, which is third position. The element in the third position is 6. Therefore, 6 is the median of the give set of data.

  • Q #7: Which of the following is the best estimate of the number of centimeters (cm) in 10 yards? (Note: 1 yard=3 feet; 1 foot =12 inches; 1 inch =2.54 cm)

    A. 720 cm

    B. 880 cm

    C. 960 cm

    D. 914 cm

    Answer Explanation

  • Q #8: Which of the following is the decimal equivalent of 9/25?

    A. 36

    B. 0.36

    C. 3.6

    D. 0.25

    Answer Explanation

    9/25 is the same as 9÷25.

    Using the calculator, we get 0.36.

    Thus, 9/25 in decimal form is 0.36.

  • Q #9: A person weighed themselves at 190 lb. Three months later they weighed themselves at 180 lb. Which of the following is the percent of weight the person lost over 3 months? (Round to the nearest percent.)

    A. 8%

    B. 9%

    C. 11%

    D. 5%

    Answer Explanation

    Explanation: The percentage change in weight is found in three steps below:
    Absolute change in weight = final weight - initial weight

    Absolute change in weight = (|180 - 190| = |-10| = 10)

    Relative change in weight = (frac{absolute change}{initial weight} = frac{10}{190} = 0.0526)

    Percent change = relative change * 100%

    Percent change = 0.0526 * 100%  = 5.26%

    The percent change in weight lost is 5.26%, which is about 5%.

  • Q #10: A recipe calls for 4 teaspoons of vanilla. 1 teaspoon equals approximately 4.98 mL. Which of the following is the correct amount of vanilla in mL?

    A. 5.35 mL

    B. 50.7 mL

    C. 19.92 mL

    D. 12.25 mL

    Answer Explanation

    We need to find the mL in 4 teaspoons from the given information.

    If we let x represent the amount of vanilla in mL, and set a proportion equation with number of teaspoons as numerator and mL as denominator, then:

    Find the value of x by cross-products

    Therefore, 4 teaspoons equal 19.92 mL.