
An atom has 28 protons, 32 neutrons, and 28 electrons. What is the name of this isotope?

A. Nickel-32

B. Nickel-60

C. Germanium-56

D. Germanium-60

Answer Explanation:

The number of protons, 28, gives the atomic number, which identifies this atom as nickel. The mass is the number after the dash in the isotope name, which is determined by adding the numbers of protons and neutrons (28 + 32 = 60).

Therefore, the Correct Answer is B.

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    A. leaves the aorta

    B. fills the right atrium

    C. reaches body tissues

    D. flows through arteries

    Answer Explanation

    Blood continually flows in one direction, beginning in the heart and proceeding to the arteries, arterioles, and capillaries. When blood reaches the capillaries, exchanges occur between blood and tissues. After this exchange happens, blood is collected into venules, which feed into veins and eventually flow back to the heart’s atrium. The heart must relax between two heartbeats for blood circulation to begin.

    Two types of circulatory processes occur in the body:

    Systemic circulation

    • The pulmonary vein pushes oxygenated blood into the left atrium.
    • As the atrium relaxes, oxygenated blood drains into the left ventricle through the mitral valve. 3. The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to the aorta.
    • Blood travels through the arteries and arterioles before reaching the capillaries that surround the tissues.

    Pulmonary circulation

    • Two major veins, the Superior Vena Cava and the Inferior Vena Cava, brings deoxygenated blood from the upper and lower half of the body.
    • Deoxygenated blood is pooled into the right atrium and then sent into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve, which prevents blood from flowing backward.
    • The right ventricle contracts, causing the blood to be pushed through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery.
    • Deoxygenated blood becomes oxygenated in the lungs.
    • Oxygenated blood returns from the lungs to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins.

  • Q #2: After food has been masticated in the oral cavity, where does it go next?

    A. Colon

    B. Liver

    C. Pancreas

    D. Pharynx

    Answer Explanation

    Once the food has been masticated in the oral cavity (mouth), it is then swallowed and travels back into the pharynx down into the esophagus, which leads into the stomach.

  • Q #3: Which sequence describes the hierarchy level of biological organization?

    A. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species

    B. Genus, class, kingdom, species, order, phylum, and family

    C. Genus, class, kingdom, species, order, phylum, and family

    D. Species, kingdom, genus, class, family, phylum, and order

    Answer Explanation

    Taxonomy is the process of classifying, describing, and naming organisms. There are seven levels in the Linnaean taxonomic system, starting with the broadest level, kingdom, and ending with the species level. For example, in the image the genus level contains two types of bears, but the species level shows one type. Additionally, organisms in each level are found in the level above it. For example, organisms in the order level are part of the class level. This classification system is based on physical similarities across living things. It does not account for molecular or genetic similarities.