
The graceful dancer moved across the stage as the music began to play Which of the following is the meaning of the suffix "full” as used in the sentence above?

A. Worthy

B. Able

C. State of

D. Characterized by

Answer Explanation:

Therefore, the Correct Answer is D.

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    A. Novel publisher

    B. Resource list

    C. Book lover

    D. Reference text

    Answer Explanation

    The word "biblio" refers to books, and "phile" means someone who has a fondness or love for something. Therefore, a "bibliophile" is someone who loves books.

  • Q #2: Which of the following is the OBJECT of the preposition in the sentence below? Martha laughed at the clown

    A. the

    B. at

    C. laughed

    D. clown

    Answer Explanation

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    A. Around

    B. Sideway

    C. Up

    D. Forward

    Answer Explanation

    the Latin prefix "circum" means to move "around." It indicates the direction of movement around something.