
Which of the following is an example of accidental plagiarism?

A. Summarizing information without including a source credit

B. Submitting a paper that was written by a friend

C. Forgetting to include an in-text citation for information

D. Copying information from a source and identifying it as your own

Answer Explanation:

Forgetting to include an in-text citation is not intentional and probably means that the writer had already included a reference but forgotten about the in-text citation.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is C.

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  • Q #1: According to the prefix "in-" which of the following words defines "incredulous"?

    A. Convinced

    B. Disbelieving

    C. Sympathetic

    D. Weary

    Answer Explanation

    The word incredulous means the act of being unable to believe something.

  • Q #2: In the word "circumnavigation," the Latin prefix "circum" means to move in which of the following directions?

    A. Sideways

    B. Forward

    C. Around

    D. Up

    Answer Explanation

    As the word states, “circum” is around, which is also descriptive of the word circumference, which shows the area around something.

  • Q #3: Which of the following best describes the peer review process?

    A. Incomplete drafts are typically submitted for the process.

    B. All comments from peer reviewers should be implemented.

    C. Teamwork among participants is not required.

    D. It requires time and attention to complete.

    Answer Explanation

    The peer review process is never an easy one and takes a lot of time and attention.